Thursday, November 10, 2011


To say that life is interesting, albeit out of our control could be an understatement.  We have no idea of what we're doing (could be much of the time). Sometimes we feel like we are just hanging on, like a kid out of control and completely inept. We feel like there's no holes in our bowling ball. It feels big and clumsy and awkward and we can't get a grip on it.  We can't control what is happening.
God doesn't come with handles. He doesn't want to be controlled and thrown down the bowling alley everytime for a perfect strike.  Life's not like that and neither is God. We will never totally understand God.  And He will never spoon feed us with all the answers about life. Somethings we just have to figure out for ourselves, others, He will show you in due time. In His way and His time.
When we try to control our lives, even trying to control the ministry He's given us, the stress level jumps at us, screaming!
I am learning how to give over control of my life.  It is challenging but I also know that when I give the Lord control over my life and circumstances, I can rest that He will take care of me and the circumstances.