Thursday, March 3, 2016


Have you ever done something that seemed so right and yet you wondered why you never did it before? Or, how could I forget that?

A few weeks back I posted on Facebook about some struggles I was going thru, to me they were
spiritual attacks and I was frustrated... now that is an understatement.

When I finished my rant, I said that we have victory in Jesus. And that is so true, but I didn't come back and tell you of the victory I had in Jesus and how it came about.

When I posted on FB my rant about being tired of giving into sin, of feeding my flesh, etc., many, many of you posted words of encouragement, help, prayers, One of the notes told of how she would walk around repeating "No temptation has seized you except what common to man...etc".
1 Corinthians 10:13

At first I passed on over that but during my afternoon driving job I started doing that. I was quoting verses that I only remembered part of them, some only a single word. "He has given me a sound mind"2 Timothy 1:7; Peace of God transcend all"Philippians 4:7; "I have the mind of Christ"1Corinthians 2:16. I had more the next day. It was the Word. It hit me after an hour or so, I was feeling peace and no turmoil. WOW! I kept at it. That evening I started writing down verses on small pieces of paper and carried them with me in the car.   It was working, praise God.

Now it's ok to say Well, Duh, Troy...didn't you know  that? Yes, but like so many of us I did not use the Sword of the Spirit, the Word. I was doing battle with my fleshly, carnal weapons, but when I
started doing battle in the heavenlies with the Sword of the Spirit everything changed.

Where does sin start?  In the mind James 1:14,15. Joyce Meyer has a teaching series called WHERE THE MIND GOES THE MAN FOLLOWS. At first I disagreed with that, then it hit me,
Proverbs 23:7 (KJV) "For as he (man) thinketh in his heart (mind), so is he..."

The battleground for satan is our mind. Sin is first conceived in the mind. Nobody just suddenly sins. That is why our weapons cannot be carnal instead they must be spiritual.

Use the Sword of the Spirit against satan and his lies. Take that Sword out of the scabbard and do battle against our enemy by using the Word. The Word is "sharper than any two edged sword..."
Hebrew 4:12