Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We had something like a Matthew 17, mountain top and valley experience here last week.  I hope my inadequate words can tell you in such a way that you understand. 

Tuesday and Wednesday we had a group of young people from University of St. Thomas.  They were a part of 'club,group' ministry' called SHINE, taken from Matthew 5:16.  They took their Spring Break to serve others, not party and indulge the flesh. They chose to serve in an Urban Ministry here in Denver and we were one of the fortunate ones. They didn't come to be served, they came to serve.   They came to serve, not build us up, however, they encouraged us and strengthened us.  Their love of the Lord, servant attitude, joy, enthusiasm, and desire to do whatever we asked, made an impression on us.  I had one chop 2 bags onions, and he did it willingly!  Maggie fixed a large pan of enchiladas for lunch and they were eaten in half an hour. Paige, Christina, Zack, Joe, Joel, Katie, Sarah. Who did I miss? Sorry ya'll, you made an impression on us and I remember you but name calling is just short of my ability. 

Thursday morning, Doyle and I, said that we were sorry that they weren't going to be there anymore.  Little did we know that the Lord used them to build us up for something that was going to happen.

It started Thursday with a young woman with a spirit of sexual perversion, a strong spiritual presence. Friday we had one guy trying to start a fight with a mentally challenged young man. Another was trying to control those around him.  Other similar goings on so that Doyle made the decision to close early on Friday, 1:30, and not open on Saturday.  Satan sent his messengers to create strife and havoc here, but he cannot. We have taken authority over him and will not cave into his attacks.  Thank you for all who sent encouraging words.

The Lord is doing a mighty work here and there is more coming!  Of course, satan doesn't like it and will fight us tooth and nail.  WE HAVE VICTORY IN JESUS!!  We truly appreciate all that are standing with us in prayer, financial support and when you can, presence support.  It does help to know that you are praying for us.

Ya'll come see us when you can.


For those who didn't get the word, I was hit with Bell's Palsey Monday. No medication, and no real understanding of how it happens. It is not serious, doctor said it was a mild case and should be gone in 2 to 4 weeks.  It sure is annoying.  Kind of like when the dentist puts deadner in your gums and later you try to drink or eat and it runs out one side of your mouth.  Just the left half.  Like my sister Cheryl said, Keep your chin up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Troy!!! We miss you so much thank you for all of your kind words and for all the blessings you and your brother put upon us! I hope to see you again sooner rather than later. Jesus is so prevalent in your lives and what you are doing is amazing! I miss you!