Saturday, February 22, 2014


       So, I believe that we have established that Praise is different from Worship.  They are two different things.  Praise is something we do as an outward expression. Worship is something that goes on in our hearts and is not necessarily displayed outwardly. However, it can be, through the expression of words, song, bowing down, etc...that lead us into His presence.   To quote David Wilkerson again, "...worship cannot be learned! It is a spontaneous outbreak, the act of a heart overwhelmed by a revelation of God's glory and His incredible love."

       I'm going to wind up this posting on Praise and Worship. However, I know that this will be an ongoing series of revelation in my life.  I'm going to share some thoughts and quotes here and believe that the Lord will confirm the revelation in your heart as He has in mine.

I am of the opinion that we should separate the phrase Praise and Worship from any musical connotation. While music is an awesome gift from God and a wonderful way to express our love for Him, Praise and Worship are not musical terms.

      Pastor Jack Hayford, shared how the song, "Majesty" came into being. I copied this from his site, "So powerfully did the sense of Christ Jesus royalty, dignity, and majesty fill my heart; I seemed to feel something new of what it meant to be His! The accomplished triumph of His Cross has not only unlocked us from the chains of our own bondage and restored us to fellowship with the Father, but He has unfolded to us a life of authority over sin and hell and raised us to partnership with Him in His Throne - now! He is fully worthy. "Majesty" is also a statement of the fact that our worship, when begotten in spirit and in truth, can align us with His Throne in such a way that His Kingdom and authority flows to us - to overflow us, free us, and channel through us."

       So much more in my file that could be shared but let me add two more things here. Look at the choruses of these Worship songs.
       "WHEN I LOOK INTO YOUR HOLINESS" by Wayne and Cathy Perrin.  "The reason I live is to worship you."
       "COME LET US WORSHIP AND BOW DOWN" by Dave Doherty.  "Come let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our God and Maker. For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hands."
       "HERE I AM TO WORSHIP" by Chris Tomlin. "Here I am to worship. Here I am to bow down. Here I am to say that you're my God. You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me."

       I end with this from a friend and fellow pastor.  Using the illustration of our triune being and the Tabernacle or Temple, showing the Seven  Steps to Worship.

FLESH - Symbolic of the Outer Court
     *Door - Flesh enters through the Door - Jesus
     *Altar - Recognizing the Blood sacrifice for our sins
     *Fire Laver - The Holy Ghost, washing of water by the  Word.

SOUL - Symbolic of the Holy Place or Inner Court
     *Show Bread - The Word or Jesus revealed
     *Candlestick - Anointing, fresh oil daily, and wicks trimmed, the revealed Word illuminated
     *Alter of Incense - Our Praise is a sweet savor unto God

SPIRIT - Enters the Holy of Holies
     *Worship - God is light, total transparency of ourselves

       I encourage you to consider these verses on Worship. Romans 12:1; Genesis 24:25-27; John 4:23-25.

       With this I encourage you to do your own study of Praise and Worship.  Let the Holy Spirit reveal to you what it is that He wants you to glean.  But more than that, Praise Him at all times and in all places and Worship Him in your inner most being.

This study has been fun, encouraging, uplifting, enlightening, and has brought about within me a strong desire to Praise and Worship our awesome, powerful, loving, etc., Heavenly Father.
Your fellow traveler on this Journey.

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