Saturday, November 20, 2010


As I watch the Street Connected Youth coming in to Sox Place, I keep wondering what brought them to this place in their lives.  What happened in their younger childhood that caused them to leave a home, at least a house, go onto the streets and put themselves at risk for sexual abuse, physical abuse, death by overdose or freezing...could it be that the streets were more comfortable than their home life?  Everyone of them have stories of abuse from father, mother, fathers girlfriend, mothers flow thru boyfriends that are very abusive to children in the way. Girls are raped by their mothers live-in boyfriends. Physical abuse abounds from drug/alcohol use by parents.  A daily occurrence of being slapped, slugged, kicked and told you are no good and you were a mistake, and will be glad when you are gone...why would you want to stay in that situation?
There were two young women who came in that I couldn't help but wonder what happened to them.  The first one couldn't have been more than 20 or 21.  I had not seen her before or seen her since.  It took me a few minutes to realize that she was sucking her thumb!   It came out if she said something then right back in. It came out when she put food in her mouth, then right back in her mouth.  She walked around, then went outside, but always with her thumb in her mouth as if nothing strange about it.  What trauma would cause such behavior?
The second young woman was again in her early 20s and seemed so shy, she was here for a couple of weeks before she acknowledged me by introducing herself to me.  I can't remember her name because when she told me what her street name was I forgot everything else.  She said call me Rage.  I asked her to repeat that and she did and then spelled it out R A G E.  If I get another chance to talk with her I'm going to ask her why, why Rage?
Josh told me of two young women who had come around a few years ago.  One said her name was Ugly.  He said that she told them that that was her name because her Daddy never told her she was beautiful therefor she must be ugly.   Fathers, you may not realize it but you have major influence in your daughter's lives for good or bad.  Which will it be?  Remember, Ugly.
Another girl's street name was an old slang word for a woman's breasts.  At Sox Place they absolutely refused to call her by that name.  Your heart will break for these thrown away children. The Fathers heart breaks for His little ones.
Last week I shared about my interest in Native American ministry.  Based on US Census, the Native American population in the US alone in between 4.9 to 5.2 million.  The Pentecostal Church of God and the Southern Baptist convention both say that less than 3% consider themselves Christian.  Do the math, that is about 150,000 who claim to be Christ followers (I got my worst grades in Math in school and college).  Can you wrap your minds around how large a mission field this is???  And it is all with the borders of the US.  And as I said before, you don't need a passport, or shots, and you can drink the water and eat the food, and English is the prevalent language.  However, it is a hard ministry.  There are no large exciting evangelistic meetings, most churches consist of a handful of people, and results can take years.  But didn't the Lord say something about taking the Gospel to the nations?
I did some research and found that the push to take the Gospel to the Indians came to a standstill in the latter half of the 1800's.  The shift then became foreign missions.  It was easier than trying to reach the American Indian.  In fact, this is a quote from one such study, "...the Indians were not attractive as converts. Many missionaries, therefore, set their sights on other parts of the world."
We are to remember Jesus' command in Matt 28:19, "...all nations..."
Back to Sox Place.  After the article in the Denver Post, we have had several donations come in. Today, three young women came in with a small pickup loaded with blankets and sleeping bags.  We can get 50 coats one week but next week will  need more. As these things come in, they go right back out.  Like the food that is donated to us, we give some of it right back out to others who are putting together food boxes and giving them out.
Just so you know, there are 5 full time staff members here, three draw a nominal salary. Doyle does not take any money from Sox Place and I am "self-supporting".  Your donations go to take care of the basic needs of the ministry.
Ya'll come see us when you can, ya heah?
Keep praying for us and watch the Lord meet our needs and yours.

With you in His service,

1 comment:

Doyle "Sox" said...

I would call her Beautiful, as she truly was. She would always say that Ugly was her name! I miss her and all the thousands that have come through our lives in the last almost 9 years!