Monday, February 28, 2011


Several years ago the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, the denomination that Jeanne and I were ordained through, had their international convention here in Denver.  The convention was held at the Westin Hotel at 17th and Lawrence.  We stayed in that grand hotel in one of the finest rooms that I have ever been in, before or since.  There were at least 2000 people in attendance that year.  The seemingly ironic thing is that I am now ministering literally in the shadow of that beautiful hotel to the homeless of the streets of Denver.  God's ways are so amazing!

My days have become some what routine with every morning starting to cook lunch.  Some mornings I wake up with the question in my mind, what am I going to fix today?  Doing lots of pasta, spaghetti, mac and cheese, rice and beans.  We don't get nearly as much fresh food since the Broncos season is over and we don't get any catered food from there now.  Have to depend on what we have frozen and pasta.  A gentleman comes by every Thursday and Saturday mornings with a pickup load of bread, cakes, pies, donuts, and other various pastries that he picks up at a couple of local grocery stores that have a sell-by date of that day.  One day I had 22 cakes and pies to cut up and serve for dessert.

I try to get to the gym 3 or 4 days a week now and I have to go early in the morning.

I am still attending the Christian Indian Center here in Denver. They are trying to sell their building so they can move into another area of ministry - homeless ministry to native Americans.  The building was built in 1893 and has no parking what so ever. Street in front, on side and an alley in rear with houses on the other side.  No parking lot.  Pray for the Lord to sell the building for them.

Ya'll come see us soon, ya heah?

Love to you all and may our most gracious Lord and Savior grant you peace and grace.


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