Sunday, January 26, 2014


Isn't what we do on Sunday mornings Praise and Worship?  Isn't the title Praise and Worship the thing we sing?  Isn't Praise the fast upbeat songs we sing first and worship the slower songs we sing last?  If Praise and Worship are two different things, what is the difference?  Many people like the fast upbeat songs because it gets them excited and moving, however, we do not get past praise and move into worship which is where praise should take us.

Is Sunday morning church the place that we Praise God?  In answer to that turn to Psalm 150:1-6 and see where all we are to Praise God.

The English language has only one word for praise....PRAISE.  However, there are 7 Hebrew words for praise -- and each give a different definition for praise.  Look at these:

Hallal: "to laud [to give praise or express devotion to], boast, rave, to celebrate" - This word is used approximately one hundred times in the Old Testament.
Yadah: "to worship with extended hands, to throw out the hands" - Used over ninety times in the Old Testament. (Yad means "hand")
Barak: "to bless, to declare God the origin of power for success, prosperity, and fertility" - Used approximately seventy times in the Old Testament as praise to God.
Techillah: "to sing or laud" - It is derived from hallal and is generally accepted to mean "the singing of hallals." Used over fifty times in the Old Testament.
Zamar: "to pluck the strings of an instrument, to praise with song" - Used almost exclusively in the Psalms and occurs approximately forty times in the Old Testament.
Todah: "to extend the hands in thanksgiving, a thank-offering" - Used only a few times when translated "praise" but occurs many other times in connection with thanksgiving.
Shabach: "to commend, address in a loud tone, to shout" - This is the exclamatory form of praise in a special sense and is found only about seven times in the Old Testament.

When we look at the difference in Praise and Worship in a worship service setting Praise seems to be more of an outward thing that we do, hands raised, clapping, dancing, bowing and singing.  In other words, Praise is what we do outwardly.

When we praise Him we exalt Him ("1. to raise in position, character, status, or the like; elevate 2. to glorify; praise; honor; extol). Psalm 34:1-3. When you say "Praise God," you mean "Exalt Him."  You cannot put Him too high. He is the most high above all.

Also, when we praise Him we rejoice in Him. Psalm 5:11

When we praise Him we are to boast in Him. Psalm 34:1-2, again.

Another aspect of praise is that we give thanks to Him. Psalm 18:49.

Again, when we praise God we please Him. Psalm 69:30,31.

And, when we praise God we bless His name. Psalm 34: and Psalm 63:3-5

This sure is a lot of information, isn't it?  Well, to be honest, I haven't shared half of what I have been studying.  You could and should be reading for yourselves. 

Come on, people, let's Praise the Lord God Almighty and thank Him and bless His name!

More to share and not sure exactly what will be next.  This is a journey and as some of you have said, let's travel this road together.


Troy, a fellow traveler

By the way, each word for praise in Psalm 150 is Hallel.  Look again at the meaning of hallel.

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