Sunday, October 3, 2010


Ever asked yourself those questions? What's happening to/in my life? Where am I in this walk called my life? I certainly have the last few months.

My blog title is what I see my life has been...A Journey. A journey that my Lord started me on some time ago. Was it in August when my brother asked me to come out Denver and work at Soxplace? Was it in July when He said that I was His servant, He had chosen me and not rejected me (Isaiah 41:9b), then told me to get my house in order now? Was it in January when Jeanne died? Was it in August 1964 when I accepted Jesus as my savior? No, I believe it started in eternity before I was even formed in my mothers womb. Jeremiah 1:5. What does that say about when life begins?

I wrote in my journal a few weeks ago, the journey continues. There was a few months there right after Jeanne died that, though I didn't actually verbalize it, I was feeling like life was over. And, yes it was over, life as I had been use to. But the Lord assured me that His plans for my life were not over. Yes, Jeanne had been part of His plan for my life for 20 years, but His plans did not stop when He called her home.

I am going to be working with one of my Heros of the Faith - my brother Doyle. I have watched him over the years over come many adversities and hindrances to keep him from the calling God had placed on his life. I've watched him be successful (as God counts success - being faithful) without encouragement from some of the most important people in his life. I am privileged to be going to work alongside him and his sons in this ministry to the throw away kids on the streets of Denver. Though the idea of my younger brother being my boss and my nephew also being my boss, well, I don't know... ;D>

I ask for your prayers as this is not only a step of faith financially, but also from the standpoint of being out of my comfort zone. And prayer for those He brings into my life that I will be able to exhibit the love of Christ for them. That being said, I am so excited to be starting on this next part of my journey! I am sad to be physically leaving such good friends and family, however, the excitement of this journey has got me EXCITED. Did I tell you how excited I am?

In the next couple of posts I want to share with you some of Jeanne's last days. Many of you wrote and asked, "What happened?" I have wanted to share this for some time but just haven't. I ask your indulgence as I do this for many friends and family. After that I plan on trying to post something each week about the ministry there in Denver and the Lord's work in my life as I continue on this journey He started me on a long time back.

Love you all,


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xxxxxx said...

to post a comment, click comments at bottom of post. Box opens, click and write comment. click on comment as: scroll down to name/url and click. write your name and leave url blank. click post comment.

Anonymous said...

Hi again, for the 5th or 10th time of trying........this time I'm going to click Anonymous and see if it will post??
God be with you, Cin